Internet · June 25, 2012 0

Learn About Hosting Options on Jingwen’s Blog

Choosing the right hosting service for your blog is just as important as what you write in your blog. The wrong hosting service can lead to downtime for your website or even reduce the amount of visitors that you get because the service itself doesn’t rank well in search engines. Learning about the right hosting services from sources like Jingwen’s Blog ensures that you’re learning what you need to know from someone that’s already a successful blogger.

When you first start out blogging, you can choose a free blog hosting service as your main blog source. This is an excellent way to start because without any followers or ads, you’re not going to be making any money off of your blog initially. You don’t want to spend any money until you know you can start making it back. What’s more, free blog hosting ensures that your lack of knowledge about creating a blog site doesn’t interfere with the successful launch of your blog. Once you’ve created a following and you want to go to a paid hosting service, your readers will follow you, especially if you announce it on your current blog and link to your new blog from there.

Once you start looking for a service to pay for your blogging, you have several considerations. First of all, you need to decide whether you want a dedicated server, shared server or a virtual dedicated server.

A dedicated server is a server that you don’t share with any other websites. It’s by far the fastest and most comprehensive option for website, however, it is also the most expensive. A shared hosting plan is when you share your server with many other websites. You have limits on bandwidth usage and website size as well; this is the least expensive hosting option. A virtual dedicated server is a shared server but it’s compartmentalized in such a way that it acts like a dedicated server. This is a very affordable option that allows for more flexibility than a shared server does.

If you want to learn more about starting a successful blog, you should check out Jingwen’s Blog. You’ll learn about how to write a blog, how to capture people’s attention and more. Most importantly, you can learn how to make it earn money for you.