It’s Christmas Holiday and the freezing weather did not keep away the young people crowded in the street to celebrating the day. Instead, I stucked at home wrting my bolg to record my VPS suffering. Please allow me to call this as I am enjoying my Christmas in my way, even though I was an English major who never celebrate Christmas.
Only kids and lovers celebrate Christmas. Kids expecting secret gifts, and lovers desire sex. For guys like me, well, it only means stay up all night. I am not a kid, neither in relationship. And I never expected a sepcial attention, including my VPS under attacking for 10+ days.
Since 14 Dec, 2014, my VPS were attatcked by every means.
According to the stastic, in the past 10 days my Mandarin blog were suffered 30K attacking visit which far exceeded the normal visit in the past year.
Till today, I did not figured out why I suffered this attacked.